Ham Radio Books

Ham Radio Books Currently in Print:

Please click on the book to visit Amazon.com to purchase and/or please see below to find out more about them.

Ham Radio Logbook - General DX Use

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Designed to be used for Every Day Logging for Ham Radio Operators.

Includes close to 100 logbook pages PLUS:

  • Phonetic and DX alphabet cheat sheets
  • Morse Code (CW) cheat sheet
  • Signal reporting guide for Phone and CW modes
  • Dipole formulas and chart for dipole sizes for FT8 operating

Plenty of space for many years of use, supports multiple users and/or callsigns.

Ham Radio Logbook - For Field Day

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Designed to be used specifically for Field Day Logging for Ham Radio Operators.

Includes close to 100 logbook pages PLUS:

  • List of ARRL/RAC sections sorted by callsign number
  • Phonetic and DX alphabet cheat sheets
  • Morse Code (CW) cheat sheet
  • Signal reporting guide for Phone and CW modes
  • Dipole formulas and chart for dipole sizes for FT8 operating

Plenty of space for many years of use, supports multiple users and/or callsigns.

Ham Radio Logbook - For Satellite Operating

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Designed to be used specifically for Satellite Logging for Ham Radio Operators.

Perfect for Rover or outside operating!

Includes close to 100 logbook pages PLUS:

  • Phonetic and DX alphabet cheat sheets
  • Morse Code (CW) cheat sheet
  • Signal reporting guide for Phone and CW modes

Plenty of space for many years of use, supports multiple users and/or callsigns.

Ham Radio Logbook - For SOTA, POTA and more!

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Designed to be used specifically for SOTA and POTA Logging for Ham Radio Operators. But it can be used for a lot more:

POTA - Parks on the Air
SOTA - Summits on the Air
WLOTA - World Lighthouses on the Air
COTA - Castles on the Air
IOTA - Islands on the Air
VOTA - Volunteers on the Air
Or any combination of the above!

Includes close to 100 logbook pages PLUS:

  • Phonetic and DX alphabet cheat sheets
  • Morse Code (CW) cheat sheet
  • Signal reporting guide for Phone and CW modes
  • Dipole formulas and chart for dipole sizes for FT8 operating

Plenty of space for many years of use, supports multiple users and/or callsigns.

Plenty of space for many years of use, supports multiple users and/or callsigns.

Ham Radio Logbook - VHF Contest

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Designed to be used specifically for Satellite Logging for Ham Radio Operators.

Perfect for Rover or outside operating!

Includes close to 100 logbook pages PLUS:

  • Phonetic and DX alphabet cheat sheets
  • Morse Code (CW) cheat sheet
  • Band Plan Cheat Sheet for 6m (50MHz) to 3cm (10GHz)
  • Signal reporting guide for Phone and CW modes
  • Dipole formulas and chart for dipole sizes for FT8 operating, includes the 6m band.

Plenty of space for many years of use, supports multiple users and/or callsigns.


Ham Radio DX: A Complete Guide - How to go from Karaoke to a DXCC Rockstar. Lucas L. Ford, W6AER

Click below to purchase via Amazon.com:

A DX Book, to the Point.

Book Contents Include but are not Limited to:

  • DXpeditions & DX Awards Overview
  • Getting Past Limitations to DXing
  • Focus on 160m to 6m DX
  • Blueprint for a DX Station - Hardware
  • Radios, Antennas and Everything in Between
  • Extensive Coverage of Computers & Requirements
  • Ham Radio Software Overview, Focus on DX
  • Separate Chapters on CW, Phone and Digital Operating
  • How to Bag the DX, Pileup Techniques for all 3 Modes
  • FT8: Setup, Operating, Etiquette, Support Software
  • Cleaning up your Signal & Dealing with RFI
  • How not to be a "Lid"
  • Ferrites, Low Band Antennas, Baluns & Grounding
  • Dealing with DX Challenges
  • When and Where to Work DX & Propagation
  • How to QSL, Manually and Digitally
  • Designing your QSL Card
  • Ham Radio Specific Glossary

Feel free to scan these QR codes with your mobile device to view or purchase:


To view the video presentation by the author, Lucas Ford, W6AER "The Making Of A Ham Radio DX Book: From Idea To Reality" please click HERE or please visit: youtube.com/watch?v=xSlm927CEvs 

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If you are interested in the Audiobook outside the United States, please follow the links for the countries below:

Vitamin DX Publishing - Take Twice Daily at Grayline

Pacifica, CA, USA